Our newest mini golf creation has us Goin’ Gack to Indiana to the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) to add our newest creation, To Bee or Not To Bee, to 2017 version of mini golf at the IMA. In 2016, we contributed our Lil Bub inspired creation to the IMA’s 2016 Indiana themed miniature golf course and this year we’re bringing the buzz to the course with our oversized beehive; fitting in the natural world theme.
The didactic for the hole:
To Bee or Not to Bee explores nature’s greatest pollinator, the honeybee, and brings attention to the frightening decline bee populations have seen in recent years. Designed by mini golf gurus, Tom Loftus and Robin Schwartzman, players will have to navigate their golf balls through a beehive in order to find the honeycomb hole.
The multi-hexed shaped hole has a skill shot through a path inside the left side entrance of the hive that puts the ball on course to get into the cup. Easier said than done. Our goal was to make a smart, satisfying, and substantive hole that encourages players to consider our yellow and black pollinators.
We packed up the car, floofed up our newest family member, and trekked from MSP to IND. We were the first to install due to the need for a quick turnaround to make it back home in time for work but we hung around long enough to take a sneak peek at Alan Goffinski’s newest mini golf contribution to the course.