THROUGH THE WINDMILL is a feature-length documentary being directed and produced by filmmaker Amanda Kulkoski. This movie, currently in production and set to release later this year, looks at the history of miniature golf in […]
We Make a Big Announcement on “The Wrap”
In conjunction with the re-airing of the MNOriginal episode featuring the Walker’s 2013 Mini Golf (showing this Sunday at 6 and 10pm on tpt2), we were invited to the studios of Twin Cities Public Television to be featured on The Wrap, Almanac’s post-show web-exclusive […]
Walker’s Artist-Designed Mini Golf – Opens Today!
This summer’s Artist-Designed Mini Golf at the Walker Art Center is now open and you can play it through September 1st! The course features 18 holes, some favorites from last year as well as a […]
Walker Artist-Designed Mini Golf 2014: We’re in again!
We are excited to announce that the Walker Art Center is doing another artist-designed course this summer and we are thrilled to once again be a part of it. This year’s course is comprised of […]
We’re on TV!
We were featured on MN Original as part of a piece on last Summer’s Walker Art Center artist designed mini golf course. The video also features curator of the course Scott Stulen. There is a […]
Two Years: Mr. Tee & The Pink Putter
We celebrated the two year anniversary of our first date this past weekend by returning to the site of the first round of mini golf together, Big Stone Mini Golf. The Pink Putter defeated Mr. […]
Walker Introduces the Artists and Teams of Mini Golf 2013: We’re In!
We wanted to wait until it was official but we’re happy to announce that the Walker Art Museum selected our mini-golf hole design for their Walker on the Green: Artist-Designed Mini Golf Course that will be located at […]
Interview on the Aesthetics of Mini Golf with the Walker Art Center
Check out our interview with and the Walker Art Center!