Puttstars Mini Golf Rookie Course – Harrow, UK

Reviewed by Mr. Tee

Played on June 5, 2023

This was the 2nd course we played at this Puttstars location. We have debated whether or not to do separate reviews for unique courses within a larger mini golf facility. It’s sort of a gut feeling whether each course stands out on its own. On the same day that we played at this Puttstars location, we also visited and played the first-ever Puttshack in the White City Mall. If you’ve been to multiple Puttshack locations then you know there is a limited number of unique hole/gameplay designs across all of their courses.  This is why we didn’t review the individual courses in that situation. This was the first Puttstars location we visited and even though it is a UK chain, we’re not as familiar with the hole designs and felt that there were enough unique holes and types of gameplay that a separate review was warranted.


My review of The Master 9-hole course covers most of the positive aspects of the Puttstars mini golf experience including the fun colors and creative gameplay design. The larger thematic elements and kinetic obstacles are less present on The Rookie course. There are more traditional pipe and shoot-through obstacles like loops and bridges that make the putting experience a bit more consistent and reliable than The Master course.

The Master course was intriguing enough that we had to play the Rookie course
At each hole, you decide whether you want to use one of your 2 point multipliers called jokers
Pink Putter knocked this one in for a hole-in-one on her first attempt
Watching to see how the ball funnels down to the lower green
The smaller hole at the bottom of the photo gives the best result
Unique hole incorporating a labyrinth
This one played a little funky but liked the play to the cup for a potential hole-in-one
Little beat up 2nd tier that required some duct tape
Classic lighthouse and loop. Rookie course has more traditional analog obstacles
Challenging path to the cup on this skateboarding inspired hole
A volcano hole with this theme works well
Love the lighting to add flare to this traditional loop hole
Obstacles help redirect the ball to the cup or stymie you if you get stuck behind them
Trying to get the ball to roll down the troughs near the middle of the hole
Classic and challenging bridge hole to finish. Made for a fun ace.
First time we saw this Hungry Hungry Hippos arcade game
Pink Putter loves her claw machine games
Full bar

Puttstars Harrow Mini Golf Website

St Georges Shopping Centre, Harrow HA1 1AS, United Kingdom


Fun and playful design
Unique scoring/gameplay
Vibrant color schemes on the holes
Gameplay was inconsistent and rarely rewarded skill shots

Competitive note

Given the large number of shoot-through obstacles and gameplay design coupled with unconventional scoring, it wouldn’t see

Nerdy Notes

  • The facility has 2 9-hole courses. No par listed.
  • Prices range from £6.75 (adult) to £5.75 (under 16) with various discounted rates for seniors, groups, students and families
  • Facilities also feature a full bar, arcade, pool tables, and diner
  • Most of the holes are not accessible to those using a wheelchair or handicapped
  • Unique point scoring system enabled by tech but requires manual entry by competitors. Scoring: Putts are turned into points: Hole in 1 = 1,000, Hole in 2 = 800, Hole in 3 = 600, Hole in 4 = 400, Hole in 5 = 200, Hole in 6+ = 100. Every player will get two jokers per game. Jokers multiply your points by 2. To play your joker, you need to select it on the tablet before you take your shot on that hole. If you don’t use your jokers, you’ll lose them and miss out on extra points!

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