Visited & Documented December 29, 2020
Word by Mr. Tee
During the winter of 2020-21, The Pink Putter and I took a safe and distanced winter road trip to escape the brutal Minnesota winter. Given our experiences visiting courses earlier in 2020, we knew that it was quite easy to safely play miniature golf while keeping 6 feet away from other groups. In fact, we knew that non-ideal weather days made it even more likely that we’d be the only people on the course.
We thought that with only light rain in the forecast, we’d head out on a day trip from our temporary home base in Tulsa to Bricktown in the heart of Oklahoma’s capital city to play what looked like an intriguing course. Off the Bricktown Canal, we encountered Brickopolis mini golf and had the course to ourselves…due to the facility being closed. With a forecast of rain and cold during the off-season, it was reasonable for them to be closed for the day. It’s too bad because based on what we saw, this looks to be one of the best options for mini golf in the state.
As of early April 2021, Brickopolis is up for sale with plans to keep the mini golf operating which is good for us in hopes of playing this fun looking course in the future.

Brickopolis Oklahoma City Website
In Historic Bricktown – 101 South Mickey Mantle Dr, Oklahoma City, OK
Open Year Round (subject to weather)
Adults – $9.75 | 7 & Under – $8.95