While Mr. Tee and Pat from The Putting Penguin originally cooked up the idea of a regular mini golf talk show that would kick off by recapping episodes of season 2 Holey Moley, our respective miniature golf endeavors wouldn’t be complete without our partners in crime. The Pink Putter (aka Robin Schwartzman) of A Couple of Putts and Mandy Ranslow of The Putting Penguin came on We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Windmill to help us recap episode 11 “You Just Got A Free Bath” and shared the origins of their putting pasts. These two fabulously talented women shared their thoughts on the 2nd season of Holey Moley and we even got to chatting about cookies given the prominence of baked goods in the episode.
Watch Full Episodes: ABC, Hulu
We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Wind Mill Holey Moley Recaps: Intro / Episode 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 12