Holey Moley Season 2, Episode 5 – Recap & Bigger Windmill Talk Show + Special Guest Karl Barth

(ABC/Christopher Willard)

There are no mini golf holes where a five is good result but We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Windmill will now need all of the fingers on one hand to count our recap episodes of Holey Moley. Pat from The Putting Penguin and Mr. Tee recapped the episode and debunked all of the conspiracy theories that cropped up after the episode aired. This week’s special guest was Karl Barth who was is an episode 5 contestant based out of Wisconsin that does a number of mini golf related endeavors. We talk with him about Milwaukee area courses, the different ventures he’s started up since 2017, and his experience playing the wildest course in the world. Check out the episode for all the details.

Watch Full Episodes: ABCHulu

We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Wind Mill Holey Moley Recaps: Intro / Episode 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

First up, Tanner and Mary. On Slip N Putt, Tanner not only sank his long 2nd putt but won the hole in a sudden death putt off. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
The Distractor brings America’s pastime to the turf. Putting during a baseball game didn’t cause Gerritt to miss and he beat Amanda. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
Golf pro Clay and firefighter Jim get soaked on Water Hazard but Clay’s putting won out. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
Karl barth got tossed on Gopher It. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
But Courtney Gill, sister of Season 1 alum Laurel Gill, left an opening for Karl to advance to the 2nd round with clutch putting on Gopher It. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
A great leap from Tanner on Putt the Plank to start the 2nd round. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
Gerritt and Tanner got soaked in the lagoon and Gerritt came out on top with an incredible putt into the cup from the sand trap. Gerrit won the match but he ended up not being able to move on. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
Clay stayed dry and was the first contestant this season to land from the zipline on Polecano. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
After smacking against the pole and getting soaked, Karl had a shot to push the match to sudden death putt-off but fell inches short. Clay advances to the final. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
Gerrit was unable to continue and this scenario set up our first putt off on Hole 19 between the two competitors that lost in round two. Tanner bested Karl and advanced to the episode final.(ABC/Christopher Willard)
Double Dutch Courage took out Tanner first. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
Clay dove through the 2nd windmill after getting thwacked on the first bladed monster. (ABC/Christopher Willard)
One of the more improbably winners of the season. Tanner Beard pulls out a close win versus Clay to advance after being defeated earlier in the episode. (ABC/Christopher Willard)

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