Played July 6, 2018
Reviewed by Mr. Tee
We wanted to hold off on some of our indoor course reviews till the weather got chillier. This specific review I saved for the day of the dead / Halloween season given the theme. After playing a bunch of outdoor courses in Denver and 3 rounds by myself at Putter’s Pride, I was ready to catch up with long-time friends in the Denver area…and of course more mini golf. My buddies Nick, Gene, Mike, and Chuck met up with me at a suburban Denver strip mall to take on a much needed indoor course on a scorching hot day.
Birdie – This is the 3rd Monster Mini Golf franchise course we’ve played to date. When I saw the Glo-Zo the clown, I half expected the 18 black light holes to be an identical replica to the course we played in Florida. Fortunately, I was DEAD wrong. There were new ghoulish creatures, graffiti art, and putting areas to please all the senses. Run of the mill black light courses rarely do much for us but the mix of fun and challenge elevate this course up a level. The interactive elements including a DJ, dance challenges, and spinners were well received by my buddies. I appreciate that a number of the holes are incredibly difficult to ace and justify the course par of 61. Most certainly not the last Monster Mini Golf course we’ll play.

Monster Mini Golf Denver Website
Challenging play
Loads of interactive & animatronic elements
Well maintained play area & characters
Enthusiastic & helpful staff
Nods to local creative culture contributors (South Park)
Carpeted indoor black light courses have their limitations
Relatively straight ahead play
Nerdy Notes
- 18 Holes. Par 61. Different levels distinguish levels. I felt good about doing better than best tier.
- $8.99 – Kids, $9.99 – Adults
- Monster Mini Golf has 31 franchises across the US and Canada.