Played on numerous occasions, Summer / Fall 2013
Reviewed by Mr. Tee and the Pink Putter
Last November, a call went out to local artists to create “garden” themed holes for the Walker Art Center’s third installment of Artist-Designed Mini Golf. Approximately 65 submissions were reviewed and 13 were chosen for two seven hole courses with a shared eighth hole. The remaining two holes were designed and fabricated by a public sculpture class at the University of Minnesota, under the guidance of artist Chris Larson. The course is located in the sculpture garden, just west of the Cowles Conservatory. It opened on May 23rd and has been open every day this Summer, with some exceptions for severe weather conditions. The course closed the 29th of September.
Hole-in-One – As one of the teams to design and fabricate a hole for this course, we’re admittedly biased when it comes to this review. However, we feel confident after playing the course more times than we can even count that we know it well enough to decidedly rate it as one of the best temporary courses we’ve seen. There is a huge variety of play including holes of skill and chance as well as participation from fellow players. The Walker has posted a fantastic virtual tour of the entire course. We could ramble on and on about this course (especially Mr. Tee), but we’re going to focus on our favorite elements of this 15 hole course via photo.

Creative and varied game play
Various holes had interactive elements enhancing play
Unique design
Given artist budgets and limitations (ie. no electricity or water), each hole lived up to the thematic and creative challenge
Some of the holes did not successfully withstand the elements over the course of the Summer
Mulch, debris and stuck balls affected game play
Nerdy Notes
- 15 Holes, Course A Par: 23 Course B Par: 24. Two 7 hole courses with shared 8th hole.
- Cost: Single Course – $12 adults, $10 students, $9 Walker members / children ages 12 & Under. Both Courses – $18 adults, $15 students, $13.50 Walker members / children ages 12 & Under
- While this is the most expensive course we’ve played, we didn’t not list price as a “Con” because the money goes to a great institution and every round of mini golf includes free passes to the museum.
- Rubber covered putters of different colors based on size. Excellent selection of ball color.
- Mr. Tee’s best game was 6 hole-in-one’s and a 16 on the B course.